
Top Common Causes Of Shoulder Pain

Your shoulder pain can be due to some common cause. Here are the top causes of Shoulder Pain shared by expert Chiropractor Dr Brian Nantais from Elevation Health.

Top Common Causes Of Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be a nuisance, disrupting daily activities and diminishing quality of life. At Elevation Health Clinic, we understand the frustration of shoulder discomfort. Led by Dr Brian Nantais and the Nantais Family Chiropractic team, we’re committed to helping you understand the underlying causes of shoulder pain and providing practical solutions.

Let’s begin:-

  1. Rotator Cuff Injuries: The Silent Culprit
  2. Frozen Shoulder: The Stiff Intruder
  3. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: The Pinched Nerve
  4. Arthritis: The Silent Eroder
  5. Muscle Strains and Tears: The Overworked Muscles

Rotator Cuff Injuries: The Silent Culprit

How It Happens:

Injuries to the rotator cuff can occur due to overuse, repetitive motion, trauma, or age-related degeneration.

Identifying Symptoms:

Symptoms may include dull or sharp pain, weakness, stiffness, and limited range of motion. Pain may worsen with overhead movements or reaching behind the back.

Our Approach:

Our chiropractic care restores proper alignment and function to the shoulder joint. We help alleviate pain and promote healing of rotator cuff injuries through targeted adjustments and rehabilitative exercises.

Frozen Shoulder: The Stiff Intruder

How It Happens:

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, causes stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. It can develop slowly and be caused by injury, surgery, immobilization, or underlying medical conditions.

Identifying Symptoms:

Symptoms typically progress through three stages: freezing, frozen, and thawing. During the freezing stage, shoulder pain and stiffness gradually worsen. In the frozen stage, shoulder movement becomes severely restricted. In the thawing stage, the range of motion gradually improves.

Our Approach:

Chiropractic adjustments and manual therapy techniques can help restore mobility to the shoulder joint and alleviate pain associated with a frozen shoulder. We also provide tailored exercise programs to improve flexibility and strength.

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome: The Pinched Nerve

How It Happens:

Shoulder impingement syndrome is caused by the pinching or irritation of the bursa or rotator cuff tendons as they pass through a narrow space beneath the acromion bone.

Identifying Symptoms:

Symptoms include pain when raising the arm overhead, weakness, and aching or throbbing sensations in the shoulder. Pain may worsen at night or with specific movements.

Our Approach:

We aim to reduce inflammation and alleviate pressure on the affected structures through chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapy. We also focus on correcting posture and biomechanics to prevent future impingement.

Arthritis: The Silent Eroder

How It Happens:

Arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, can affect the shoulder joint over time, leading to pain, inflammation, and stiffness.

Identifying Symptoms:

Symptoms may include aching pain in the shoulder joint, stiffness, swelling, and limited range of motion. Pain may worsen with activity or in cold weather.

Our Approach:

While arthritis cannot be cured, chiropractic care can help manage symptoms and improve joint function. Gentle adjustments, mobilization techniques, and therapeutic exercises can help reduce pain and improve mobility.

Muscle Strains and Tears: The Overworked Muscles

How It Happens:

Muscle strains and tears can happen due to sudden trauma, overuse, or improper lifting techniques. Commonly affected muscles include the deltoids, biceps, and trapezius.

Identifying Symptoms:

Symptoms may include sharp or stabbing pain, swelling, bruising, and weakness in the affected muscle. Pain may worsen with specific activities.

Our Approach:

Chiropractic adjustments and rehabilitative exercises can help promote healing and restore strength and flexibility to injured muscles. We also guide proper ergonomics and injury prevention strategies.

Final Words

Led by Dr Brian Nantais and the Nantais Family Chiropractic team, we’re here to help you reclaim pain-free movement and live your best life. If you’re experiencing shoulder discomfort, don’t wait – contact Elevation Health today and take the first step towards relief.

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